Recharge your Energy to Get the Most Out of Your Performance
Main Takeaways
Why is it important to keep energy high
How can I notice when I have low energy
What can I do to bring my energy up
READING TIME: 3 minutes
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Ever wondered why you feel drained and lethargic? Not only does this low energy state hinder performance but it makes it more likely for you to get injured. Is there a way to change that? And are energy management strategies for everyone?
You have a phone, right? What do you do with it every night before you go to bed (after a bit more Instagram and Snapchat)? You put it to charge. Well, just like a phone battery, our human battery also needs to be recharged. But it is much more complex, and we can charge it in multiple ways.
Remember that there are four battery levels: low, medium, high, and full. Your battery level extends to everyday life, not just to sport. Research is clear that
Energy for physical and mental tasks are drawn from the same source within us
We have more in the tank than we think, and
We can use mental strategies to get more energy out of our battery.
Okay that’s all great. But how do I use these mental strategies to get more out of my battery? Here are my top 5 energy boosting tips.
5 Energy recharging tips to get more out of your performance
From presentation done by JF Menard, from Kambio Performance.
Find out what activities and people give you energy and maximize your time with them. These are the energy boosters Minimize the activities and people that drain your fuel, as these are the drainers.
Sleep is the most important performance enhancer, and that’s why top performers sleep a ton! It repairs muscle damage, is responsible for learning, and fighting diseases. Schedule sleep in, and make sure to get at least 7.5 hours or more. Set your alarm to wake you up between sleep cycles. If your quality of sleep is low, make sure the room is dark enough, the temperature is 63°F (17°C), and that you’re using earplugs if it’s too noisy. Use a 25-minute power nap to recharge your energy on days you feel like you need it.
Your food and drink impact your energy. Give your body the fuel it needs to meet the demands of your day. On tougher days, you’ll need more protein and water to repair the body from the damage of these conditions. Stick to food and beverages that have worked for you in the past, especially near big events.
After heavy work or training, the body needs to rest and refuel. Recovery through movement lets you perform better. Do a 10-minute daily prehab routine (check out Nike Training Club App or Yoga with Adrienne for a great place to start!). Prehab is proactively doing specific stretches and exercises so that you don’t get injured. If you’re exercising or training, make sure to work at an intensity that you can handle! If you’re going too hard for too many days in a row, neuromuscular fatigue will kick and make injury more likely. To recover the body, take days off every week, and especially after days and weeks with higher intensity training or work. Cold showers or ice baths can help your body and mind recover quicker.
Getting thoughts down onto paper is cathartic and lets us get to know ourselves. Journaling for 10-15 minutes before bed can download the day’s clutter from your mind. Morning journaling can be used to clarify 2-3 daily intentions. Writing down 3 things you are grateful for can be done either in the morning or evening and impacts optimism and attitude after only a few days.
Main Takeaways
Pay attention to your energy levels throughout the day by doing a check-in every 2 hours
Test out different energy boosters and see which ones work for you
Use your favourite energy booster a few times a day to keep energy high